Fresh Lime Soda – Sweet!

Have I mentioned in the last hour that I recently went to INDIA? Cause I totally did. This trip I was introduced to the most refreshing concoction ever – the Fresh Lime Soda, Sweet. There’s also a Fresh Lime Soda, Salt but don’t bother, it’s nothing like a margarita.

This is a great drink for a hot day, and super easy.

First, make the syrup. Put equal parts sugar and water and boil. The end. I did 2 cups of each because I like to have lots of syrup on hand for later. Once the sugar has dissolved, put in the fridge to cool.

I put mine in a large Ball jar. Once the syrup is cold, decide how sweet you like your drinks. I fill a glass with crushed ice, then put in 1/3 cup of syrup. JD thinks that’s way too sweet and only wants 1/4 cup. Start small and you can always add more, amiright?

So, crushed ice, syrup, and now we need lime juice. Fresh lime would be best, but I use the bottled type and it’s fine. I only use a teaspoon. My sister-in-law likes a bit more. I read somewhere that you should start small cause you can always add more. Great advice.

Finally, fill the glass with carbonated water. Fresh, fizzy, and SWEET. This is the best drink for a hot day, evah!

Moron Test Grade – A. I would have given it an A+, but you don’t see any vodka in this picture do you?

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